RSVP for our next ‘Preventing Burglary’ Seminar on September 22, 2009

lam glass incorrect installOur next Preventing Burglary seminar will be held on Tuesday, September 22nd at 6:45pm in our Kerrisdale Showroom.

Click here for more details and to RSVP.

We’ll have a wine & cheese reception before hand and then start promptly at 7:00pm. Afterwards, we’ll lead a tour through our 24/7 Operations Centre for anyone interested in seeing what happens behind the scenes when an alarm trips.

Our seminars always fill up … RSVP today to ensure that we’ve got a space for you on the 22nd.

Here’s a clip from a recent seminar discusses ‘Five-Minute Proofing’ and why it is the most important home security tactic…

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