Home Security Seminar on Monday, October 27th

Our next home security seminar will start at 7:00pm this coming Monday, October 27th in our Kerrisdale Showroom.

Similar to last month’s version, both myself and Cst. Ray Gardner will lead a discussion outlining exactly how burglaries occur on the Westside, and most importantly… what you can do about it.

Our last seminar was a great success… so much so that we ended up having an overflow crowd.

As a result, we now know that the maximum number of people that we can comfortably hold in the showroom is 16… so please let us know by sending us an email at seminar@providentsecurity.bc.ca to confirm that you would like to attend.

We will have wine & cheese starting around 6:30pm… so please feel free to come by early. We will be starting the presentation right at 7:00pm and it will be over by 8:45pm.

After the presentation, we will lead a tour through our central monitoring station for those that are interested to see what happens behind the scenes.

What have others said about the information presented at the seminar?

Here is some of the survey feedback we received after the September seminar…

“I particularly liked reiteration of the information about how to delay a burglar for 5 minutes. The tour of the operations facility was very interesting and confidence building”.

“I felt at ease. Information was useful.”

“I found it interesting and informative and I’m sure others would as well …. whether they have a system or not. It helps to stay current with crime trends and security options.”

“with all the home security advertising, I think it can be somewhat confusing for people and your session helped to clear up some issues”

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