Watch the clip below to see a demonstration of how any camera can be turned into an intelligent motion detector through the use of video analytics.
There are many options for adding video analytics to an existing camera system… and when done appropriately, basic analytics can significantly improve the level of security offered by a CCTV system.
Some of the scenarios where we have installed video analytics for our clients include:
- to detect someone walking in an area of their yard (veering off of the main path) that they are not supposed to be;
- to send an alarm if someone is standing too close to the front of a store window/front door after hours;
- to alert security guards about someone in a parkade during specific hours;
- to count the number of people coming into (and out of) a store during the day;
In the case of burglary prevention, getting an early warning about someone trespassing makes a huge difference for our response teams. Now, rather than waiting for a detector in the house to trip, we can receive an alarm signal while a potential burglar is still outside.
While our response team is enroute, our monitoring team in our Operations Centre is able to keep an eye on exactly what is happening and help coordinate both our own response as well as get the Police involved as quickly as possible if required.
We’ve got everything set-up and installed in our Kerrisdale showroom. If you have any interest in learning more about when/where CCTV may be appropriate for you, please stop by and get a demonstration.