Michael Jagger Awarded BIV Top 40 Under 40 Award

When Michael Jagger started the now 85-employee Provident Security and Event Management Corp., he thought it would be a part-time job.

Success forced a change in plans.

With the company growing at what Jagger pins at close to 3,000 per cent in the past five years, he assumed a full-time role as president instead of pursuing his Simon Fraser University criminology degree.

Married and with a baby on the way, Jagger’s life is rolling along as slickly as the wheels on his BMW motorcycle. With clients such as QLT Inc., Angiotech Pharmaceuticals and the Kerrisdale Business Association, Jagger said his company does not solicit for new business but finds new clients through word of mouth.

The company’s services have ranged from personal protection for Britney Spears, to home security in Kerrisdale and on-site security at hotels such as the Four Seasons Hotel. New clients come in partly because of the company’s promise that if a burglar alarm goes off, Providence guards will be there within five minutes, he said.

He spent six months training with the RCMP as a special constable, working with a regular uniformed officer in the hope that it would give him a leg up if he wanted to become a police officer. Then, while studying criminal justice at Langara College and later at SFU, he provided independent security at school dances, starting with some at York?House?School. “That’s how I started paying my tuition,” he said. “I was working on my criminology degree at SFU but got caught up doing these dances.”

He went through the process of forming a company as a way to more efficiently attract clients, but he never envisioned Provident growing as substantially as it has. Part of what makes the job worthwhile is the relationship he has with his staff, he said. The same could be said for his clients.

Asked what his proudest business accomplishment has been, Jagger replied, “We’ve never lost a client due to poor service.”

Published December 1, 2001 ยท Business In Vancouver

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