The response that we have gotten from this blog in only a few short weeks has been absolutely incredible. I have received great feedback from clients as well as other people who have either been forwarded a link or just found us on Google or MSN from all over North America (literally all over!) as well as England, Mexico, Taiwan, Singapore and Russia. Thank you to each of you who has forwarded it to others.
We are in the process of building our client email database. Each day, we are adding more people…my apologies to those clients who’ve called us to say, “Why didn’t I get sent a link to your blog?”. We’re trying to reach everyone as soon as possible. We hope to have sent the introduction e-mail to each of our clients by the middle of April. In the meantime, If you know of anyone that may be interested in this blog, please feel free to send them the link.
If you want to be kept up to date and advised of new postings you have two options… one a little high tech and the other very low tech… here they are:
1. low tech option: send me a quick email asking to be added to our notification list and we will send you a reminder link every time the blog is updated (send it to; or
2. high tech option: subscribe to our RSS feed and get this content automatically incorporated into whatever blog or news reader you prefer… here is a link to a Squidoo lens that tells you everything you need to know about RSS… for what it is worth, I use Bloglines myself and it is very easy to setup.
So far, given the topic, most people with specific questions have either called us (our customer service team is available 24 hours a day) or sent a direct email…. Please feel free to do either. Alternatively, you can simply post a question or comment (with our without your name) by clicking on the comment icon at the bottom of every post. The advantage of using the comment icon is that other people will be able to see both what you wrote as well as our response.
Your suggestions and comments are greatly appreciated.